
Reservation Policy

  • Payment of 50% is required at time of booking, with final payment due 60 days prior to arrival date.

  • Cancellation Policy:

    • Payments are fully refunded if 30 days or more in advance of arrival date.

    • Payments are non-refundable if less than 30 days in advance of arrival date.

    • We cannot refund any fees associated with your booking.

    • Payment by check is always welcome. Please contact us directly to arrange.

  • Additional charges to the rental rates listed are:

    • New Hampshire Occupancy Tax at 8.5%.

    • Housekeeping charges, which are stated and vary by camp.

    • Resort Fee of $30 per reservation.

  • Our rental rates and policy are subject to change without notice.

Guest Policy

  • Check in is at 4PM. Check out is by 10AM.

  • Grey Shingles Camps is a non-smoking property. Smoking is not permitted.

  • Day visitors must be approved ahead of time with the Owners. They may not use our amenities, including the waterfront. Granting requests will be based on our occupancy and ability to be flexible on a given day. Visitors must be made aware of all stated policies.

  • Overnight visitors are not permitted.

  • Pets are not accepted except by permission in Nellie’s View only.

  • Please note that Rust Pond has no outside access for boats with motors.

  • Additional property specific policies will be provided at check in, along with our Waiver of Liability for use of our waterfront.

Booking Information 2024

  • Low Season dates are May 10 to June 13; September 3 to October 22. High Season dates are June 14 to September 2. Nightly rates are as follows:

    • Spruce Camp: $258/$278

    • Black Bear Camp: $248/268

    • Rust Pond Camp: $268/288

    • Copple Crown Camp: $205/225

    • Sweet Apple Camp: $205/225

    • Nellie’s View: $320/$340

  • Minimum stay during Low Season in our 5 camps is 2 nights; Nellie’s View 3 nights.

  • Minimum stay during High Season in our 5 camps is 3 nights; Nellie’s View 7 nights Saturday to Saturday.

  • Housekeeping Charges will be added per stay, and are as follows:

    • Spruce Camp and Rust Pond Camp: $100

    • Black Bear Camp: $90

    • Copple Crown Camp and Sweet Apple Camp: $75

    • Nellie’s View: $150

  • PLEASE NOTE: We pay our housekeepers a living wage and provide Worker’s Compensation insurance.

“What a truly incredible treasure this place was!!! One of our most favorite places we have ever stayed at. The camp itself had everything you could have wanted and more – so many fun activities and so much to do, you don’t ever have to leave! Whether it be a couples getaway or a family retreat, I cannot recommend this place enough!”

— Kristen 2021